Pillows 101

In this article you will learn how often pillows should be replaced, why they should be replaced. You will also learn to determine when your pillow has reached the end of its lifespan.

How to tell if your pillow needs to be replaced:
Balance the pillow horizontally over your forearm. If the pillow droops considerably it has reached the end of its lifespan. Another way to check is to fold your pillow in half and then release the pillow. If the pillow stays folded it’s a sure sign it needs to be replaced.

If you suffer from asthma, sinusitis or other allergic diseases you might like to change your pillows more often to avoid being in contact with built up fungus and mould.

Manufacturers recommend that you replace your pillows every six months. Here are a few shocking bits I’ve picked up from my reading. Depending on the age of your pillow 50% of its weight can be attributed to mould, soughed off skin, mildew and dust mites. Yuuurgh.

How should you I cover my pillows:
Pillows will have a longer lifespan if you use 2 pillow cases instead of one to cover them.  This forms an adequate protection from body oils, sweat and face creams or in my case splashed tea and cookie crumbs.

How often pillow cases should be changed:
Weekly.  Body oils and bacteria can penetrate the pillow itself if left too long. Acne sufferers should change their pillow cases daily to lesson their contact with bacteria on the surface of the pillow.

Note: Lice and other parasites reproductive cycles usually cannot be completed in under a week. That’s good to know if you have small children and would like to keep your home pest free.

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